The caresses, the kisses, the looks, the touch of the skin, the pleasant sensations for the whole body... all are part of a single thing: make love. Who does not enjoy a good pleasure session? But the benefits of making love daily are not only positive for these physical sensations, but also imply great emotional benefits by strengthening ties between the couple. There are those who decide to make love every day to get pregnant, others in the morning to start the day well, etc. The truth is that we do not need an excuse because our body asks us and, sometimes, our discount sex toys for women.
How To Use Sex Toys: We feel better
That's how it is! Having sex every day puts us in a good mood. When we have just made love we are happier, we feel more relaxed and experience a pleasant sensation that, although not the same as orgasm, continues to last minutes later. This is not pure chance, but there is an explanation: making love we release endorphins. And blessed endorphins! The so -called happiness hormones travel through our body when we do activities or are in situations that we like and make us enjoy. It is obvious to make love every day is something that makes us enjoy, so we have a dose of hormones of insured happiness. Now, it only depends on us!
How To Make Sex Toy At Home: We improve our relationship
I don't think anyone dares to say that making love every day is bad for a couple. Quite the contrary. In fact, there are studies that show that sex improves relationships by strengthening the love relationship. Thus, one of the benefits of making love every day is to strengthen ties between them. Sex implies a series of acts and samples of affectivity that reinforces the union of the couple and is also positive because it is considered an activity in which they both enjoy. It has been shown that sharing hobbies, laughing together and feeling loved are basic elements for a happy couple relationship. Therefore, another benefit of making love every day is to strengthen the union between the two.
What Are Sex Toys: We reduce stress levels
Stress is one of the main problems that humans suffer daily and normal! Work, haste, family problems, obligations, etc. Everything contributes to the end of the day to be in a bad mood or we just want to stretch on the couch, watch TV and go to sleep. However, we must bear in mind that another of the benefits of making love daily is to free all the accumulated stress, give off tensions and simply relax. Our head is emptied for a few minutes of problems and filled with pleasant sensations that we get when feeling the touch of our skin with that of our partner. We just have to let ourselves carry and enjoy a moment of passion. Then, surely we see the problems from another perspective. Some tips that can help you release accumulated stress: What is the Singapore kiss and how it is done, assured orgasm! Postures to receive oral sex - Women. Postures stop receiving oral sex - men. Benefits for our health The benefits to make love for men and women are other reasons why we should not ignore this custom in a relationship.
How To Make A Sex Toy For Men: Benefits of making love for man
It decreases the risk of prostate cancer. A study found that men ejaculate between 4 and 5 times per week can reduce the possibility of prostate cancer up to 30%. This happens because there being a greater ejaculatory frequency, the negative effects of carcinogenic agents in the prostate are reduced. Live more years. A study showed that men who experienced orgasms more frequently had up to 50% less mortality rate than those who did not ejaculate so often. Healthier heart. Another benefits of making love every day in the case of man is a lower risk of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, having sex frequently also helps control blood pressure.
How To Buy Sex Toys In India: Benefits of making love for women
Reduce the risk of breast cancer. According to various studies, making love every day increases the levels of a hormone called DHEA that has anti -cancer properties. Live more years. One of the main benefits of making love daily in women, as in men, is to enjoy a longest life. Having an active sex life increases estrogen in the organism, an essential substance to maintain smooth skin, without wrinkles and luminosity. In addition, another benefit of having sex frequently is to increase defenses, fundamental to fighting conditions. Regulates the rule. The existing secretions during sexual intercourse come into contact with certain chemicals during the sexual act, and seem to be the main reason why making love can regulate the rule. We maintain our figure Having sexual relations as a couple often also helps maintain our active body and burn calories. Therefore, another benefit of making love every day is to improve our physical state in general when exercising bones, joints and muscles. If we add to this that we also stimulate blood flow and reduce stress, the result is more than positive.